Why would I edit my podcast?
If you're listening to a well-edited podcast, you won't hear any cuts. Nonetheless, you've almost certainly never listened to an un-edited podcast. Why is podcast editing so common?
You may not notice it, but also in a talk show podcast, in which guests apparently freely talk to each other, is usually edited. As a listener, you are unaware of what has gone and don't notice that edits have been done. But it's true!
There are six key reasons why you should always edit your podcast:
1. You keep your podcast interesting
Podcast listeners offer you the most valuable thing they have: their time. As a podcast creator, you must make every effort to provide as much value as possible during that period. To put it bluntly: no nonsense. Or, to put it another way, if there is chatter, it must be really humorous or entertaining chatter. Are there any sections that aren't very funny? Then you may cut it out. If you want to produce an instructive podcast, you should leave out the less informative bits. By removing the boring parts, you end up with a more interesting end product.
Most podcast guests aren't completely engaged all of the time. Or they walk a huge side track. It is then your responsibility to gather, choose, rearrange, and present the information: this is the foundation of journalism. The listener does not have to struggle through the less useful minutes – and that is of great value.
2. Your podcast gets the right length
Your raw recording takes 45 minutes, but you want to produce a half-hour podcast.? Then the sidings have to be removed to get the desired length.
3. You eliminate imperfections
If you eliminate the slips of the tongue, a podcast can become much smoother. You can help those people who use a lot of "ums" by eliminating some here and there - generally without you hearing it. And it's not only about 'ums,' but also about other flaws like clicks and smacks, coughs and unwanted background noises.
4. Adjusting the volume
At times your recording may be too loud or too quiet. Then you can correct that during the editing. It's important to also adjust the loudness: how hard the sound is and how hard it is perceived. The norm is -16LUFS. -16LUFS is not an obligation, but it is the set standard so one podcast is not much louder than the next.
5. Adding music
When you add music or sound effects, that is also editing and it can give more dimension and a more professional feel to your podcast.
6. Rendering your podcast
When you render your podcast, you create one audio track from possible different tracks you were working with. Like an mp3 track, which you can upload to your podcast hosting provider.
You are most welcome at Headline for editing your podcast. Even if you don't record your podcast here on site. We can do podcast editing for clients all over the world. Please contact us if you like us to help you.