How to find a video editor near me?
If you want to find a video editor near you, you can post a job search on one of your preferred social media channels or dedicated online job listing websites.
But why would you need a video editor near you?
This day and age it is not necessary at all to have a video editor physically sit next to you.
We can do video editing jobs for clients all over the world.
How does remote video editing work?
You can send your footage over the internet in a simple process. We explain this process to our client so that we can receive all the footage on our computer.
You can send us either a detailed script using the name and time code of the video clips or you can give us a basic idea of what you expect or what the purpose of the video will be and let our video editors do the creative thinking.
This can simply be send by email.
When the editing is done, we will send you the finished video file by internet or via a Vimeo link so you can watch the edited video.
Then you can point out things that you would like to have changed if needed. Also using the time code of the clip.
When you are completely happy with the result, you will make the agreed upon payment and we will send you the finished video file or files.
This way we can provide video editing services to clients all over the world.
If you would like to have more information on this service, please contact us.
We can help clients all over the world.